Ghada Rahal

Ghada Rahal is an Energy Warrior. With a growing passion for green energy, she has paved a devoted career roadway towards a greener sustainable future.
I has a highly accomplished Energy Consultant with extended experience in various aspects of Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy and Sustainability and has been involved in technical support, strategic development and management of major green projects in the MENA region. Therefore, she attained extensive skills in project management, financial assessment and ability to work in diverse cultural environments through the implementation and management of national tender projects in the green energy field, and the engagement with speakers, moderators, and high-level energy experts from international backgrounds.
With her Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering and Master’s Degree in Energy Studies, and throughout her work experience in the energy field in Lebanon and the Middle East, she brings the analytical skills along with the technical, research and quantitative skill set crucial to the development of both private and public projects and programs in the energy sector.
Wednesday 15th Nov
Parallel Breakout Session #1
Session 1: Women Shaping the Future of Energy
- In-depth discussion on the role of women in the energy sector and their contributions to sustainable energy solutions
- Exploring opportunities for women's advancement and leadership in the energy industry